Supporting Christian Education for Future Generations

Faith based education in our community

The Young County Christian Education Foundation exists to help fund and support Christian education in Young County through facilities and supplies needed for a K-12 Christian education.

Why support Christian education?

A Christian education trains students to understand the truth in the Bible and then share their faith confidently with others.

Christian Educators

We create opportunities for educators to address the needs of their student communities. From training on the latest technology to new pedagogical methods, we help teachers make their classrooms engaging and successful with a Biblical worldview.

Support for Communities

Education happens within the context of a larger community. Our approach extends beyond the school to help ensure students have the necessary support rooted in the gospel and Christian fellowship.

“With the support from YCCEF, we will be able to serve the children in our community with a Christ-centered education.”

— Claire M. , teacher


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
